Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hi Readers,

So anyone that knows me well (or at all) knows I have somewhat of an obsession with zombies. I live constantly under an irrational fear of zombies. Ok, maybe that's not completely true, I'm not expecting the apocalypse to appear out of thin air anytime soon. But buried deep in my mind I have an unease that it will happen one day, and that we'll all have to fight for our lives. Wouldn't it be great?!?

Sometimes I'll just be walking and then I'll think: "what would I do if a zombie mob came at me right now? What if they are "night of the living dead" zombies that amble towards you and you can basically walk away from? What if they are "28 days later" zombies that you can't even run from? What would I do and where would I go?

Weapons? What can I use around me? Right now I'm in the computer lab, and if zombies came I'd probably have like 5 mins before they figure out how to open the door. I would probably see if I could pry off these metal panels at the back and use them as a bat. That's only if I can't break the window and run out the back first.

What if I am inside a building and zombies surround it? I thought about this when I was walking through the tunnels that link Chem Annex, Noyes, and RAL. Tunnels would be a good thing to have in case of a zombie invasion, so that people can move from building to building without need to go outside. At the same time, what if the zombies get inside the tunnels? We'd have to fortify the tunnels against zombie intrusion.

Would I want to go home? Grab some canned goods and my hiking backpack and hightail it out? Where would I go? Zombie literature always say go north to Canada, because zombies would freeze in the winter and you might be able to live safe-ish lives there. I would probably think about starting my walk north. But what about food?? Even if I do fill my backpack with food I'll probably still only last a few days. Money? Would it even be worth anything? Water??

This is pretty much the point when I would say to my self, gosh I probably won't survive the zombie apocalypse if it ever happens. That's why I hope it never happens. But then a small part of me will think: maybe I do want it to happen, so I can challenge myself to survive in a situation like that. Granted, a failure would mean death, and there are no checkpoints or saved games that you can reload from. (or is there?)


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