Monday, October 18, 2010

Purging an Evil Addiction

Hi Readers,

I finally realized why I was so down in the dumps for the past few weeks... and I finally broke off my tenacious addiction to Civilization 4 today by uninstalling it from my computer. It's been dragging me back into the abyss of lost time ever since I installed it 3 weeks ago. I've been spending excessive time (12+ hours on Saturday) with it, and it just can't continue anymore. I would play Civ4 so much that I couldn't focus on schoolwork enough, and then I'd be depressed that I wasn't doing as well as last semester, even though I'm taking less hours and have less commitment right now. It made me feel pathetic and lost, which made me spend even more time on them. A flashback to high school.

I don't understand why video games are so addictive for me. I know they were made to be that way, but I thought I had developed self control and restraint over my 3 years of multitasking. But my extremely fast slide shocked me to my very core. Back in high school, I spent a lot of time on video games. Entire weekends were devoted to computer games, basically from Friday night all the way till Sunday night. I did MMORPGs with my homestay brother so much that I would create new characters to level up when I got bored with the old one...resulting in an inventory of 8 characters. I played so many games: RO, MapleStory, Gate to Heaven, Civ4, Age of Empires / Mythology, Rise of Nations, Runescape (lol), and so many others that I've lost track of them all.

Looking back, video games were singularly the most destructive influence during my teenage years. The amount of potential that I wasted was so enormous that I'm only making up for it now in college. I always say that we shouldn't regret anything in life, but that's not true - I regret all the time I wasted on video games. All the sports / music / activities / learning I could have been doing in those 5 years all went down the drain. I realized this early in my college experience, which is why I swore off them and haven't seriously touched any in the past 3 years. In return, I've been blessed by an extremely eventful and productive undergraduate career that continues to amaze me every single day. I cherish the lifestyle I live now, and I will not give it up without a fight.

I promise never to install another video game on my computer, and
I promise never to revert back to the old me, who wasted 5 years of his life in the virtual world.

I've never broken my promises, and I don't intend to start now. I'm just glad I realized this addiction before it destroyed my life again. As for the free time I've picked up, I'm going to spend it on a project to develop a website for Campus Surplus on behalf of the SSC. As for weekends, I'm going to start training for the marathon that I just signed up for in the spring. I'm going to reach for my goals instead of languishing in the murky bog of my past.

To hell with wasted's better than that.


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