Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflections of pre-Sir FCDH

In the past week, I suppose I've reached what could be the zenith of my college career so far: being awarded with the Knight of St. Patrick award this year, which is coined as the "highest honor given by the College of Engineering". It definitely feels great to be recognized for all the work I've put into extracurricular activity, and I'm quite proud of the fact that there is at least one Knight who's gay and in Electrical Engineering this year! Whoo-hoo! =)

With that being said, I do feel like I need to step back and look at everything from the beginning of college until now, and write about what's gotten me to the place where I am now.

It feels impossible that only three years have passed since I first came to this campus, scared out of my wits. I'm so glad I did skydiving and debate my freshman year, these were the two experiences that I'll cherish the rest of my life. The thrill of jumping off a plane, and diving into an unknown world of affirmative and negative arguments and evidence. The former made me courageous and started me down the path of acceptance, while the latter made me more assertive and started me down the path of engagement. To the Fountain of Knowledge that is this amazing university, I attribute my curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

And there's Engineers Without Borders. I can't express my gratitude to myself for having taken the time to read that first email advocating for "EWB Board Positions!", and even more for actually applying and following through with the interview process. I can't believe how much EWB has changed me for the better. I've met so many great people in this organization, and developed myself so much through my leadership positions and responsibilities that I could feel myself turning into a new person. To my friends, I attribute my passion for life.

I'm proud of myself for all those hours that I spent in the libraries and computer labs, grinding out homework solutions and reviewing for tests by myself. People said it was "weird, illogical, stupid, haughty, etc etc" to not want to work in a group on homework...and I always shrugged and acceded. Self-discipline is something that I've always had...and I must attribute my academic success to my parents. Mom and Dad, if you ever read this, I love you dearly...and I hope you love me back too.

But there's still so much to do! When I look at others, there's so much that I have not yet accomplished, and so much I want to work on. So many role models to follow. I've gotta step up my game!


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