Monday, January 25, 2010

Orwell's Third Pillar is Nearing Completion

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Power. The famous quote signifying the tripartite columns propping up George Orwell's dystopian government in '1984'. The same principles that kept the Soviet Union propped up during decades of Communist rule, until Gorbachev famously knocked it over with the policy of glasnost and released Russia from a totalitarian regime. Of course, this is not to say that the United Russia party is not rebuilding these columns from the ashes.

But we haven't been standing still in the US during all these years. As we've been advancing into the comforts of the post-Cold War era, we've also been busy constructing the three pillars of a totalitarian regime slowly and silently.

The foundation of the first pillar was laid in the Vietnam War, and completed with the War on Terrorism.

The second pillar was completed with the passing of the US PATRIOT Act.

And this week, the expected completion date of the third pillar just jumped forward, with the Supreme Court's ruling on the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case. United States, we are poised at the gates of an oligarchy! With the floodgates preventing corporate political financing flung wide open, I shudder to think about the blatant manipulation of public opinion by corporations with political agendas.

Are we still United as a nation?


1 comment:

  1. And don't forget to include the actions of our Nobel "Peace" Prize winner in the first column!
