Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hi Readers,

I remember exactly what I was doing a year ago today. It was a Sunday, and I had an interview with AUO at their Milpitas office for a summer internship. I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night, because of a party out in the courtyard of our building which made me unable to fall asleep. Lacking a car, I asked a friend, who lived in Milpitas at the time, for a ride to the interview. He drove me there, and I had what was possibly the easiest interview that I would ever get in my life. I mean, why wouldn't a Taiwanese company want to hire a Taiwanese national, who happens to go to Stanford, who's an EE, and who happens to speak both good Chinese and English?

After the interview, I was so tired that I asked the friend if I could crash at his place and snooze for a bit before going home. He said yes, so we went to his place, where I crashed on the couch, and almost fell asleep before he came and offered his more comfortable bed. In a semi-groggy state on his bed, I rolled over and snuggled with him. The rest, as they say, is history.

Today marks my anniversary with this wonderful guy. We've gone through both wonderful times and rough times, but I wouldn't trade the time we had together for anything else. I've matured a lot from this relationship, and I will always look on the time we had together fondly, regardless of what happens. It's unbelievable that a whole year has passed already. It seemed like only yesterday that we were making out on his bed, having completely lost track of time, and having to lie to our friends about why we were an hour late for an Indian festival we were supposed to go to (we said we had "car problems").

I'm not a fortune teller, and I can't read the future. But if the future is anything like the present, I'll take it. =)

Till next post!


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