I've gotta find a way to finish all my hw for Friday tonight, and finish my KSP and Schowalters Award apps. I'm gearing up for war. Still need to study for ECE 444 exam on Friday too.
Tomorrow I'm going on a trip as one of three ECE students to an alumni event in Chicago. It's a bowling event, and hopefully I'll have the chance to meet other talented students and alumni, and have some fun along the way. Plus, free dinner and bowling! Down side: whole day gone. *snap*.
But need to finish stuff tonight. BRING ON THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD! Or I suppose Leningrad or Verdun will be more appropriate since the hw is fighting a war of attrition. Time to dig those trenches and....cross those lakes of frozen ice with food and equipment?
If you have no idea what I just said, don't worry about it. =) Im a nerd after all lol.
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